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Why does heat stroke occur? 

During the summer our bodies can get tired and result in a lack of appetite or a craving for cold foods. So that children can withstand the heat, let’s eat properly to get through the summer.

Why does heat stroke occur? 

◉The body has a function that allows heat to escape. 
When exercising, the body becomes warm and releases sweat. The body is letting heat out from the surface of the skin or lowering the body temperature by letting sweat evaporate to keep the inside of the body from becoming too hot. 

◉When caution for heat stroke is necessary:
When the temperature is high 
Heat cannot be released from the skin
When the humidity is high
It is more difficult for sweat to evaporate
When children are dehydrated
There is less circulation in the body and is more difficult to release heat
Sudden rise in temperature 
The body is not used to heat and cannot release the heat 

◉When you suspect heat stroke
Move them to a cooler location, untighten their clothing to allow more airflow, and lay them down with their head low. Give them an ionic drink that contains salt and sugar and make sure that they drink frequently and gradually. 

⭐️How we are combatting the heat at school at ELC 

・Frequent hydration 
The children may have difficulty expressing when they are thirsty, hot, unwell, or tired. At ELC, hydration is woven into the schedule throughout the year. During the day “tea time” is periodically scheduled. We make sure they stay hydrated even if they might not be thirsty at the moment.   

・Make sure ELC rooms do not have a high temperature or humidity that can cause heat strokes
Heat stroke can occur outdoors and also indoors. Inside the classroom, we always keep track of the temperature and humidity and we use the air conditioning to keep the air fresh.

・Adjustments during outdoor recess 
Using the WBGT, which is a heat index from the Ministry of the Environment, we adjust plans accordingly. On campuses that have playgrounds the children spray water on the ground with hoses while the campuses that play at parks spray each other with bottles and create mist showers. When children play indoors, they play with water or ice to stimulate multiple senses. We always try to make sure they enjoy themselves. We hope they experience coolness by not only touching water but by also looking at it.

The hot days will continue. During this time of the year, children can easily become tired from the heat, catch a summer cold, or become ill. We will support them by observing each child's facial expression and how they sweat.