Our Tokyo elementary school held its Sports Day at the end of June with the 3 R's as the theme: Respect: cherish your friends; Responsibility: be responsible for your role; Resilience: keep challenging and don't give up."
Students were grouped into houses to compete with strong passion. The house captains and upper-grade students took the lead in organizing the ball-rolling teams and deciding the order in which students participated in the relay.
G1 especially put in their efforts in Tails, which was a program exclusive to their grade level. They shed tears during the game but also made sure to help out classmates who fell, much like the 3 R's that were claimed.
For dance and PE, students from each grade were able to happily perform their parts until the end, showing the accumulation of their daily efforts in class.
In the end, Malala house rose to the top as the champion for this school year. Congratulations!!