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六甲山のヤマザクラ植樹会、六甲まつりへのレモネードスタンド出店、海洋プラスチックで作るアクセサリーワークショップといった昨年度の活動報告後、神戸から始める環境問題啓発活動として、4月下旬の「Earth Week・地球の日」への参加を提案しました。


On behalf of the Kobe Kiwanis Builders Club, one representative each from Kansai International Academy, Canadian Academy, Marist Brothers International School attended the regular meeting of the Kobe Kiwanis Club held on January 22. The purpose of this meeting was to express our gratitude to the Kiwanis Club of Kobe for supporting the social contribution activities of the Builders Club, and to report on our daily activities. After reporting on last year's activities, such as the Yamazakura (mountain cherry) tree planting event on Mt. Rokko, a lemonade stand at the Rokko Festival, and a workshop on accessories made from marine plastic, we proposed participation in “Earth Week” in late April as an environmental awareness activity starting in Kobe. The Kiwanis Club of Kobe praised the students representing each school for the way they presented their activities in a dignified manner and responded to questions in a flexible manner.

We would like to take this opportunity to once again thank the Kiwanis Club of Kobe for their support of the Builders Club.